Message from People Toy Company,Inc.

It is an honor to be selected as your leader for the growth of the People brand and my pleasure to introduce to you People Toy Company –PEOPLE’s global arm to bringing their products to the Americas and beyond. Having worked closely with PEOPLE for the past decade growing the Magna-Tiles brand on a global level, I am excited to work directly for a company I have always admired not only for their products but for its culture and core mission.

I look at running a company like running a marathon. Success is built on a strong foundation of discipline, steady growth, and stamina. Since its inception in May of 2016, PTC has had strong debut with introducing our brand to parents while facing unforeseeable setbacks at our launch. Looking toward the end of Q2 and beyond, we feel encouraged by where we’re headed. We believe the world market is ripe for new products that are focused on development. I am confident that our brand following and popularity will grow rapidly via regional and national parenting groups once parents are able to experience the joy our products bring to their families.

We are in a good position as the underdog to a market where the perennial top manufacturers continue to bring unoriginal products to the market year after year. We plan to transform the way parents select toys and interact with their children by educating parents on developmental milestones and how People’s original development toys will benefit their families. We look forward to reporting to you on our progress.

President,People Toy Conpany,Inc.
このたび、ピープル製品をアメリカをはじめグローバルに展開するための片腕となり、ピープルブランドを世界に発信していく一員として任命いただいたことは非常に名誉なことであり、この場を借りてPeople Toy Company, Inc.(以下PTC)を紹介させていただく機会をいただき嬉しく思います。私はピープル社と密接に取組んできた過去10年間、Magna-Tilesを世界ブランドへと成長させてきましたが、ピープル製品だけでなく企業姿勢や会社の核となる使命に常に賛同してきたピープル社と直接関わることができて大変喜んでおります。



People Toy Company, Inc. プレジデント